Ban Krud.....

Ban Krud.....

torsdag 11. august 2011

Time to go..

Yesterday in Oslo told me what i could expect if i am staying here during autumn and winter;
temperature dropped to 10 c and it was raining. And it is still august! I could see it in peoples faces. In their body language. It is just not nice knowing you have to face 7 months of rain,snow,ice,freezing temperatures,darkness and depression....
Well,i am leaving. And i am very happy to leave this city and this country at the moment. The aftermath of 22 july (the rightwing terror-attack on innocent norwegians) is still there. Now the debates in newspapers and forums on the internet is flowering again. And the islamofobists and racists have no shame at all. Lots of those bastards are now actually saying the terrorist did the right thing killing aspiring young politicians for the labour party. They say the labour party betrayed our nation letting the muslims invade Norway and Europe. Fucking racists! If you take them apart it's easy to see the parallell to the nazizs and their crime against the jews. I have been fighting them openly in newspapers forums on the internet. They are easy targets. But the problem is they stay anonymous. Sure they will not show their faces. I have been debating openly under my full name,and are kind of tired of their threats....
Will be happy to leave them behind,but at the same time someone have to oppose them!
I will keep on debating during my travel,but in a smaller scale.
So i will leave the winter and i will leave the nazis. Great. I will also leave the most expensive country in the world! Easy!
What will i miss? Friends and family. And the rest of the football-season. (even if we are not doing well....)
So where am i going? First i will go to Aschaffenburg (Frankfurt) to see friends i met in Thailand and Phillipines the last years. There is a festival going on,and i am looking forward to it!
Then i have a flight to Thessaloniki in Greece planning to explore the islands of Thasos and Samouthraki before i go south and probably end up with a bunch of friends on Amorgos island in the Cyclades.
Will return to Oslo for the last game of football with my beloved team before i go to Thailand.
Plan so far is to travel north to Chang Mai and Cnag Rai and do a wide turn trough the Isaan province before going south to my main destination this winter:Ko Lanta in Krabi province.
I expect to do some bordercrossings,but i am not sure where to. Maybe Indonesia,Myanmar,India or Sri Lanka. For sure a visa run to Penang in Malaysia and to Siem Reap in Cambodia to have a few drinks on my favourite bars. ( i have seen Ankor Wat 2 times now,but i guess i will see Bayon again...)
This is my initial plans. You are all welcome to follow my escape here on my blog. I will post pictures and make comments during traveling.
Morten 110811

1 kommentar:

Yvonne sa...

Åh, Morten det lyder da spændende med alle de planer du har for den næste lange tid. Kan godt forstå at du flygter fra Norge (Skandinavien) og som vejret er i øjeblikket, er der da slet ikke noget at betænke sig på ;o)
Det er jo den mest elendige sommer i mands minde. Jeg ønsker dig al mulig held og lykke med dit forehavende. Vi er pt blæst inde på Samos, stormen hyler omkring ørerne på os. Men vi hygger os i cockpittet med kalechen slået ned. Ankeret ligger solidt på havbunden og holder os godt fast så vi ikke ryger ind i kajen. Næste rute blir herfra til Ikaria og efterfølgende sandsynligvis Naxos. Lad os holde forbindelsen ved lige. Super dejligt at ha´ lært dig at kende. Mange sejler hilsner fra Yvonne og selvfølgelig også John ;o)